5-Day Content Creator Challenge

DAY 1:

Silakan tonton video berikut untuk menyelesaikan tantangan hari ini.

Post Template

Hi! This is (your name).

I just wanted to introduce myself to all of you in this group.

I am a (your job). I have been working for… years.

I like (your hobby). (Tell them more about it)

(Anything else that you want people to know about you: your hometown, your passion, your family, etc)

I’m so happy to meet you here, and hope we can make a good friendship through this community.

Please let me know in the comments below:

– Is there anyone here who is also a (your job)?

– Is there anyone here who is also from (your hometown)?

– Is there anyone here who also likes (your hobby)?

– Etc



Silakan posting tantangan Anda hari ini di Facebook grup terbaru (Elfranca Community) di bawah ini.

Follow media sosial saya Juga ya..

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